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Self-employment can be hard, but if it was easy, everyone would do it, right? In an attempt to lighten your load and ease your burden, whether you are just trying to make the October 17 tax extension deadline, figuring out estimated taxes, or are gearing up for next tax season, take a look at these six tax tips for the self-employed and some of the most missed tax deductions. Work Expenses and...
The Internal Revenue Service today issued a warning of 2017 tax refund delays for certain taxpayers, urging folks to adjust their tax withholding now. We’re talking about your 2016 taxes that are due April 15, 2017. There’s good reason to pay attention—at least there’s something you can do about it. A couple things are to blame. First, a new tax law effective next year requires the IRS to hold...
As a business owner, you probably thrive in a DIY environment; but the more hats you wear, the less you’ll accomplish successfully. Accounting is one of the most important areas for keeping your company profitable. As you start out and your company grows, software can only take you so far. A CPA can help your company move forward. Below are reasons why your business needs a CPA in all stages of...
In light of the flooding disaster that has struck our neighbors in Louisiana and left thousands in need of the basics, here are some donatable items that are also tax deductions: Furniture: Consider donating your couch or bed when you buy a new one, or perhaps finally get rid of the armchair that didn’t fit in your living room and now lives in the garage. Keep in mind, household goods must be in...
10 Back To School Tax Tips With the start of school just around the corner, taxpayers need to be aware of the following tax tips and deductions available for qualifying expenses: Private School Tuition and School Uniforms The cost of private school or parochial school tuition is not deductible. However, the child care component costs of private school tuition for children under 13 may qualify the...
Whether you’re currently out of work, or gainfully employed but want to seek other employment opportunities, if you decide to start looking for a new job this summer, the tax code can help. Here are five quick facts about to deduct job hunting expenses. You Must Look for Work in the Same Field. Your job hunting expenses are tax deductible only if they are in pursuit of employment in the same...
You’ve been saving money for college since junior was a baby, and now he’s going off to college. That’s wonderful, but before you withdraw funds from your 529 plan to pay college expenses, there are a few things you should know. The 529 plan doesn’t rule out financial aid. Those funds are treated as the parent’s assets, and so will result in less of a reduction on eligibility for financial aid...
Taking the family along on a business trip this summer? Learn how to save on your taxes and take the tax deductions you’re entitled to on your working vacation. It’s tricky to mix, but with the right mindset and careful planning, you can take advantage of some travel related tax deductions for business. Working Vacations If you’re attending a business conference or meeting in another city and...
Every few years, radical ideas sweep across the internet and capture the interest of so many people. Most recently, there have been a plethora of stories about folks looking for a simpler life. For some, that simpler life is a tiny house where the upkeep is low, the costs are low, and you strip your residence down to the bare essentials. For others, it’s the allure of travel and living life in an...
No matter your goals for a second home, understanding the tax breaks for your vacation residence can help you relax in style. What is a Vacation Home? First, you’re going to have to unlearn your definition of a vacation home. According to the IRS, a vacation home can be any residence that has sleeping space, cooking space, and is “permanent in place”. In this case, permanent doesn’t mean...

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