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Tax extenders, temporary tax provisions that are reinstated by Congress on a regular basis, have been a recurring part of the tax arena for years. Most of the current group up for debate have expired at the end of 2013, and their eventual extension will be retroactive, but not all will be extended. Here’s what you need to know… What’s Expired? Section 179 Expensing: For tax years beginning in...
Starting a business is one of the most rewarding experiences you will ever have. However, the process is wrought with pitfalls for inexperienced entrepreneurs. Seeking advice from your Dallas accountant regarding entity selection and structure enhances your chances for long term success. Your accountant can act as a sounding board for your ideas and suggest courses of action. Entity Selection...
The Affordable Care Act open enrollment period is about to begin. If you’re currently uninsured or buy coverage on your own, here are some things to keep in mind as you weigh your options. The open enrollment period has changed. Open enrollment runs between November 15, 2014 and February 15, 2015, but if you want a plan in place by the first of the year, you’ll have to make your selection by...
If you’re a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, the IRS wants you to know about the many tax benefits that may apply to you. Special tax rules apply to military members on active duty, including those serving in combat zones. These rules can help lower your federal taxes and make it easier to file your tax return. Here are ten of those benefits: 1. Deadline Extensions. Qualifying military members,...
The holiday season is upon us. In addition to the personal satisfaction that comes from giving, many individuals and business owners ensure their gifts are qualified tax deductible charitable donations. Charitable giving benefits worthy organizations, but it can benefit you too by saving money on your taxes. However, not every donation qualifies. Consider the following five tips for making...
For tax year 2015, the Internal Revenue Service announced today annual inflation adjustments for more than 40 tax provisions, including the tax rate schedules, and other tax changes. Revenue Procedure 2014-61 provides details about these annual adjustments. It’s worth noting that these are the numbers effective beginning January 1, 2015 — not for 2014 tax returns filed in 2015. Tax Brackets: This...
Most people spend years working closely with their financial adviser, accumulating money in their retirement accounts. When the time comes to reap the rewards of all those years of labor, the reality of how much you’ll be taxed on your withdrawals hits you. While you can’t completely avoid being taxed on accounts that were tax-deferred, you can implement a strategy that is advantageous. Consider...
Even though only a few months remain in 2014, you still have time to act so you aren’t surprised at tax-time next year. You should take steps now to avoid owing more taxes or getting a larger refund than you expect. Here are some actions you can take to bring the taxes you pay in advance closer to what you’ll owe when you file your tax return: Adjust your withholding. If you’re an employee and...
The impediments to same-sex marriages throughout the country are being washed away. This trend has continued in the wake of the landmark Supreme Court decision last year (Windsor v. U.S, No. 12-307, 6/26/13) invalidating Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). In the latest development on October 6, 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear cases from five states — Indiana, Oklahoma,...
Many have touted the downfalls and inconveniences of the Affordable Care Act, but did you know there are advantages to small businesses? New and existing small employers who do not yet benefit from the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit should look into whether the credit can help them provide insurance to their employees. For tax years beginning in 2014 and after, the maximum credit is 50...

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