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The 2017 tax filing season has been officially underway for just more than a week. Lots of folks have already filed their returns. And, according to ecstatic posts on social media, some have received their refunds. Other taxpayers, however, are waiting to file. Form-ulaic delay: Why the delay. In a lot of cases, folks haven’t yet received their W-2s, 1099s and other documents with the data...
Taxpayers have fundamental rights under the law. The Taxpayer Bill of Rights presents these rights in 10 categories, which can help taxpayers when they interact with the IRS. This post highlights a list of taxpayer rights and the agency’s obligations to protect them. 1. The Right to Be Informed. Taxpayers have the right to know what is required to comply with the tax laws. They are entitled to...
The Internal Revenue Service announced that annual inflation adjustments will affect more than 50 tax provisions, including the tax rate schedules, and will result in tax benefits to increase slightly in 2017. Here are some highlights of the changes: The standard deduction for married filing jointly rises to $12,700 for tax year 2017, up $100 from the prior year. For single taxpayers and married...
As an employer, your size – for purposes of the Affordable Care Act – is determined by the number of your employees. If you hire seasonal or holiday workers, you should know how these employees are counted under the health care law. Employer benefits, opportunities and requirements are dependent upon your organization’s size and the applicable rules. If you have at least 50 full-time employees,...
When the year begins to wind down, many small businesses wonder if there are any last-minute tax tips that can save some money when they pay taxes. After all, once the year is up you may lose the ability to claim certain deductions or benefits, so it makes sense to ensure you’re taking advantage of every opportunity available. Here are some small business tax tips that can work for year-end...
Organizations across the country are responding to the U.S. Department of Labor’s new overtime salary threshold by reclassifying some of their exempt employees into overtime-eligible nonexempts. Starting Dec. 1, the new DOL rules take effect that nearly double the salary threshold at which most salaried workers become exempt from having to be paid overtime. The overtime ceiling will rise from...
Did you know that not everyone or every dollar earned is taxed the exact same amount? This is because the United States tax system aims to be progressive. A progressive tax system tries to collect more tax from those who earn more. In essence, a million dollar earner pays more total tax as well as a higher percentage of their income in tax than someone who earns far less. One of the ways our tax...
Self-employment can be hard, but if it was easy, everyone would do it, right? In an attempt to lighten your load and ease your burden, whether you are just trying to make the October 17 tax extension deadline, figuring out estimated taxes, or are gearing up for next tax season, take a look at these six tax tips for the self-employed and some of the most missed tax deductions. Work Expenses and...
The Internal Revenue Service today issued a warning of 2017 tax refund delays for certain taxpayers, urging folks to adjust their tax withholding now. We’re talking about your 2016 taxes that are due April 15, 2017. There’s good reason to pay attention—at least there’s something you can do about it. A couple things are to blame. First, a new tax law effective next year requires the IRS to hold...
As a business owner, you probably thrive in a DIY environment; but the more hats you wear, the less you’ll accomplish successfully. Accounting is one of the most important areas for keeping your company profitable. As you start out and your company grows, software can only take you so far. A CPA can help your company move forward. Below are reasons why your business needs a CPA in all stages of...
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