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For many people, thinking about retirement simply means contemplating enjoyable ways of spending time during their golden years. What some people may not account for, however, is the impact taxation can have on savings, investments, and cash withdrawals. Just as it is important to plan your investments—and it is never too soon to start—it is also wise to consider your strategy for withdrawals...
Did you get a large refund this past April? More than $1,000? Or perhaps you owed money and had to write a check you didn’t want to write? It may be time to sit down, sip your beverage, and learn a bit about how to adjust your tax withholdings. Withholdings are the taxes your employer takes from your pay each check, and it all starts with your payroll department. It’s not too tough once you...
Taxpayers have fundamental rights under the law. The Taxpayer Bill of Rights presents these rights in 10 categories, which can help taxpayers when they interact with the IRS. This post highlights a list of taxpayer rights and the agency’s obligations to protect them. 1. The Right to Be Informed. Taxpayers have the right to know what is required to comply with the tax laws. They are entitled to...
The Internal Revenue Service wants to remind taxpayers born before July 1, 1945, that they generally must receive payments from their individual retirement arrangements (IRAs) and workplace retirement plans by December 31. “The Special Rule” Known as required minimum distributions (RMDs), these payments normally must be made by the end of 2015. But a special rule allows first-year recipients of...
The Internal Revenue Service today reminded taxpayers that they still have until April 15, 2015 to make IRA contributions for 2014, and in many cases, qualify for a deduction or even a tax credit. Roth vs. Traditional IRAs Available in one form or another since the mid-1970s, individual retirement arrangements (IRAs) are designed to enable employees and self-employed people to save for...

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